Day 3: Mr. Nice Guy
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"Still walking down that road" |
I've been called "cocky" for my post yesterday. Basically, here's the story. My good friend as a joke posted a picture of the draft of my post yesterday, which of course, I fixed up. In that draft, I seem very cocky (I even seem cocky in the real post, but its for the sake of the story). I mean I have my friends who'd agree and joke around with, but yeah, I'm not really cocky, just too confident, and too honest. There's a difference between those two things. In addition if you're someone who joked about it, this post sure as hell isn't directed you, considering were friends, I probably love your ass. Just don't want people taking it seriously. This is a slightly longer blog post though. I'm really ashamed of myself. I changed. Everything wise. Months ago I gained confidence through getting into my first relationship. Its a shocker considering the loser I was, and the social perfectionist she was (I know you could be reading this, some loser probably showed you this post, but don't get too hyped, I insult you like any "loser" would). But truth does come out later, and I got dumped (YAY!). After that you're one sad pathetic loser, but then I changed, ever since that period, I'm a different person. I don't even care anymore, relationship wise I'm not heartless (Praise the Lord) but I'm just not the optimistic person I was. Simply, and not cause of the girl, but the horrible feeling that came at the wrong time to the wrong person (Me). It wasn't cause of the emotional drop, but I was already in a shit school. I also had a lot of other problems at the time which concerned me more: No friends, DJ'ing was going horribly, and I basically had nothing to resort to for my pain. Then, and with time, I got friends, and slowly I'm losing them one by one (I really have been alone, so I don't worry about the ones gone). Thank God my current girlfriend saved me, at least what was left of me. Showed me the difference between the numerous fake and real relationships I had in the past. I'm her first, so she's new to the whole pointless high school love stories, but just the innocent love is enough for me, and its much better to be with a real girl that refuses to get past a hug them some hoe that will undress for you on the first night (I speak out of experience). I'll wrap this up tomorrow, I know you've probably got better stuff to do then waste your time on this page. Congratulations for my two best buddies starting to blog (Glad I was an inspiration). And thanks to anyone who's reading this for getting me to 100+ views. Especially if you're one of the readers from a country I haven't visited (Sorry to the reader from Malaysia, I've been there, beautiful country!). Hell with it, include yourself. Offers still up for anyone who wants to use my blog. Fiasco Out.
Everyone knows your DJ success hit off because of me.
Never denied it, but if I wasn't good then I wouldn't have been successful regardless of parties or not. Yes, major reason for my success, and you trusted me with them, that's why they were both considered the Parties of the Year ;) P.s, next time, write your name :P