Day 54: Graduate?
Day 54: Graduate?
Well first and foremost, I'm back. Tell your friends cause the occasional ranting you can relate to is back, making fun of my lifestyle, which is slightly ironic, talking about girls I "love", wrong choices, and me claiming I have morals, the usual. No, but seriously, I enjoyed the views cause at the moment DJ'ing isn't going great cause I took this whole year off and everyone forgot that I ever had a career or a mixer twice the size of most DJ's here. Okay yes you can be the shittiest DJ ever and own the best set, but it's still important what decks your using. Most people reading this don't know much about DJ'ing, but its sort of like me having a dick twice the size of the other people, and then for example, someone with a smaller male reproductive organ claiming he's better at sex, which is a possibility, but then sort of funny, and must mean I'm really shit for that to happen (which I hope I'm not). That didn't make sense, but what I wanted to say is that I enjoyed feeling I'm actually good at something, even if its feminine and made me come off as a 15 year old girl on her period, and I'm actually better in other stuff but don't get the recognition I believe I deserve. There's a change in me between my last post in September and now, I'm a high school graduate. The graduation is before the actual exam. Results are in August. I personally believe the graduation ceremony should be after the results, but I mean, there's a lot of external factors so that's obviously a no can do. I still have a business paper on the second of June, but it's merely a paper and I have a 10 day gap so I decided to horribly time my comeback in a time where some people have countless papers remaining. How'd I do? Worst than mocks in my opinion, but I'm just hoping it's enough for me to pull through and grant me entrance into one of my 3 options: University of Khartoum, the oldest, highly respected university. UMST, the prestigious if that's the word, or even a ticket to America even if that means a couple foundation years and almost a more than a 10th of the average human life span in university. So staying in Sudan obviously saves me a few valuable years before I get to have The Sudanese Dream of marrying a girl who was secretly a slut when younger(not that I'm saying all girls are), only to have her drain me financially, force me to interact with her family which is probably obnoxious, and live a boring life compromised of occasional budget vacations to non exotic locations. Glad to see I'm hostile and on attack mode on the day I'm back. I may be completely done with my high school experience in exactly 5 days, but I haven't changed, I'm simply maturing very slowly. I also refuse to associate myself with most people. No, I don't think I'm better than them. It may come off as that, it's just that, I prefer to keep my circles extremely tight, and now that high school is done, I will avoid interaction. Large parties I will attend, but probably nothing more. They're not my scene. I mean, it's always the same thing. There's some people that are drunk, one of the girls will probably start crying and the others will attempt comforting her whilst intoxicated. The drunk guys who just want to stick they're tongue down the first throat they see. The clique in a corner judging them and calling them sluts. The guys in another corner who are just acting like they're thugs. The other group of girls, well who, to be honest, really do anything. The girl I may potentially have set my eyes on or have a thing with hitting it off with some other guy, and occasionally eyeing me out of the corner of her eye. There's my friends, well who to be honest, are just checking girls out and complaining about how shit this place and want to leave. There's me, who's wondering how I even ended up here and wasted my day. Sums up high school for you. So really not my scene. I know I'm coming off as cocky, but I'm just really not social. Which is a problem since I want to DJ and that's to be honest, more based on the amount of people you know rather than how good you actually are. In the end though, it is what it is. Cheers to the most memorable years of my life so far, the worst and the best of times. With all due respect, Fiasco Out.
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