Day 62: Because of Winn-Dixie
Day 62: Because of Winn-Dixie
There's different ways to do things. One could back flip into a pool, or use the stairs to get in. I prefer to be and like to think I'm the kind of person who's doing back flips into the pool. How? By being reckless (I once actually played Wii without the safety strap on). As of lately, I've somewhat raised a few eyebrows due to the content of my blog. I mean, subliminally motivating the youth to be reckless through doing things socially unaccepted and raising the middle finger to everyone who disagrees (raising it with all due respect of course). People are not happy. Especially coming from a guy who does not even do a single thing he subliminally motivates people to do. The truth is, I am not motivating anyone to do anything. I am simply stating the factors people should not be judged for. Yes, culturally, socially, and most importantly religiously, things a few posts ago I said people should not be judged for are incorrect. But I do not believe that defines them as a person, and I will stand by that. So if they're a good person, towards me and other people, I got no problem them. Regardless of they're age, gender, or race. Middle finger up to anyone who judges them. I have been made aware the this is the sort of content which may potentially hurt a few feelings. So I'd just like to, get lost. Accept it, to you, people like me are the disease of this society, but I'll always be here typing up my opinions whether correct or not regardless of what you think or believe. Okay, I have one more "as of lately". So, as of lately, I've actually received a lot of positive feedback on my blog, people telling me they love it, and agree with me. Well thank you, I honestly try my best. It feels nice having my efforts recognized. I mean, today, there is sort of a lack of content. People are always like looking forward to see what my next post is. Mostly because they are excited about what the next controversy. The pressure is on, now I have to keep my posts constantly interesting, even though I have absolutely nothing going other than occasional and very rare outbreaks of drama which barely last. Plus, I've hit about almost every controversial topic. But I actually have one slightly controversial. Have you ever seen those people social networking sites (specifically Twitter) who preach something and then have actions which completely contradict with there posts. Like for example, I see all these guys that tweet religiously, and obviously want to be viewed as religious people, yet contradict with what they post by constantly interacting with females in a non religiously friendly way (add to the mix if you're pretending to be some scholar you should not be interacting with them at all), and even take occasional bashes at them (not like I do that) although as religious people they should not do that. I know I constantly bemoan judging, but I am judging these people, yet I will not call them hypocrites, because I am not above them to judge them, nor do I know their intention. Yet I claim I'm not one because I don't judge people for my sake, I judge them for the entertainment of your controversy seeking mind. On that second bombshell of me being for the first time approaching the doorsteps of what I hate if not completely entering its premises, and with all due respect, Fiasco Out.
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