Monday, March 28, 2016

Day 70: Dirty Audio

Day 70: Dirty Audio 

Not as consistent as I used to be. But consistent enough. I see quite a number of people have found out that I'm back to this, disappointing, yet exciting. Glad I don't have to do a year and a half of filling in like last time. This all feels a bit weird, that it's been well over a year and I'm keeping this somehow alive. At least I could stay committed somewhat to something in my life, and I'm glad it's not a person. Still feels a bit surreal. I was walking around high school in my tucked in shirt, skinny black jeans I always get shit from teachers for wearing, catching the bus after school, doing my homework, getting kicked out of class at times, ditching school at other days, coming back home to daily typing up how my day went, what was on my mind or what pissed me off. Now I have a DR (Dissecting Room) or some boring lab each morning, I get up on my own, without my mom waking me up, drive my own car to university, rush to catch the lecture cause if I miss one more than my attendance becomes too low and I won't be able to sit the exam. Stay in university until night time drowning in books because I've spent the first four months of the semester doing nothing and there's three weeks until the exam and I have to know the anatomy of the entire human body. Okay I'll stop. I mean if there's a point I'm trying to state, it's just look how quickly everything changed. I've been in university for a year and a half, yet I still feel like I started yesterday with the excitement and hunger of a freshman. I can even remember my first day in my new high school in year 10. Yet here I am, a semester away from exam that determines whether I'm basically done with a third of medical school, fucking hell. I mean I know this isn't a dramatic thing, but isn't it overwhelming? If you're reading this and you're in high school, tomorrow you'll wake up and find yourself a year into university. What about me? Will I wake up tomorrow and find myself a year away from finishing medicine? Unbelievable how time flies. Things have changed dramatically, remember how I used to claim I had two best friends and we were sort of a trio that could never be separated and were with each other everyday? One of them [(Lil Man) He's gonna laugh at his horrible name if he reads it should he remember he posted like four times] is in Eastern Europe and can speak a language that sounds like a scene from Taken now, and the other is in the States (Still in touch though of course). I'm in touch with maybe 4 or 5 girls from high school now, but other than that, all new friends, new people. Hell, this is a new life, one I'm still trying to get accustomed to. And while I'll constantly say take me back two years ago, it'll never happen. Just astonishing, especially if you take a moment to see where your life was two years ago, and where it is now. No complaints though, I'm grateful, and wherever I end up, I shall attempt to adapt (and most likely fail). With all due respect, Fiasco Out.   


  1. when exactly are your exams, would be happy to make duaa for you when you sit for the exam :)


  2. This is a wonderful work we wish you success and excellence and thank you

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