Sunday, September 15, 2013
Day 53: A Summer Bromance
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Day 52: Bagpipes From Baghdad
Day 52: Bagpipes From Baghdad
Friday, September 6, 2013
Day 51: Where's The Drum and Bass?
Day 51: Where's The Drum and Bass?
Seems like I'm committing well at the moment! (Note the sarcasm) By this post I probably would've hit 4,000. I suffer from lack of material at the moment. I mean to be honest, I tried posting the day after my previous post, and I had nothing good to talk about. What do I blame? Without a doubt the whole IGCSE situation. It basically has killed off all my priorities and concerns. I mean I spend an extra 15 hours a day (so that's technically two school days) in night lessons. Add it and it's like going to school all week basically. The one day which I can go out, I have a lesson on that finishes at 9 on. I also have to be home before midnight. So I basically have 3 hours which I'm allowed to have somewhat of a social life on. I mean I don't spend my whole day studying. Matter of fact, I haven't studied anything like for the sake of studying yet. I just do my homework and all and use that as my form of studying. I was never good with straight up exams and all that, but this is a life changing one, so I'll make sure I don't mess this one up. So yesterday was the weekend! Was an okay day, would've been really good if the place wasn't crowded. I just have an issue when I know too many people at one place, and there's just no space in general. I usually can't sort the place out, nor do I feel comfortable. I was in a good mood though, so that's ironic judging on the amounts of people that came. I mean that's my lack of material right there, no dramatic stories which everyone wants, nothing major coming up. My life is pretty much at a stead hold moment. Nothing really happening. I'll focus on school, my future, and that's it. Not like I have time for anything else. And to be honest, not like I need anything getting in the way of that. With all due respect, Fiasco out.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Day 50: Bolly Will Take Medusa!
Day 50: Bolly Will Take Medusa!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Day 49: Go Figure
Day 49: Go Figure
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Day 48: Fist Pumped The Pain Away
Day 48: Fist Pumped The Pain Away
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Day 47: How Can I Dance the Pain Away?
Day 47: How Can I Dance the Pain Away?
Monday, July 29, 2013
Day 46: Enlightenment In A Concrete Jungle
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" Paradise , a breathetaking world" |
Friday, July 12, 2013
Day 45: In Love With Medusa
Day 45: In Love With Medusa
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"Go on, and let your intent be seriousness" |
So my last two posts got "accidentally" deleted. Not really. I just felt like I shared things which I didn't feel comfortable sharing. Enough said. Today was quite the day. For the past hour or so, I've been Skyping with a good friend of mine, Lil Man to all those who've been keeping up from the early days. I've been coldly replying and just saying "yeah, okay, sure" as replies. Why? Cause this is thinking time. My brain automatically just starts analyzing everything. It's not like I'm over thinking. It's more like I'm thinking about many prospects of my current life and future. Let's start by stating, I have too many fake friends. Some too close, and that I've made a big mistake trusting. These are the kinds of people who are taking advantage of me, and manipulating me. Surprisingly, they show up at good times, and then when I have bad moments, they're still there. Didn't make sense right? They are there, no denying that. But they stand there telling you it's your fault, and refuse to get involved what so ever. You push them into it, since you believe they're your friends, but then you notice, they're only taking advantage of you. Call me crazy, but I've been getting these dreams lately. Now I'm far from superstitious, but they've been repetitive. Some I've refused, and will not talk about to anyone. It's happened four or five times. I'm the type of person who has dreams which never make sense, but these ones, super realistic, to the point where when I wake up, I don't know if I'm still dreaming or not. Something certainly is up. These dreams have touched every aspect of my life so far, and sadly, given me negative results in all of them. I'd rather stop talking about this before I get a knock on the door tomorrow and end up in a mental clinic. I think this is all a result of me stressing out and barely getting any sleep lately. I've just honestly had too much to think about. Ramadan isn't that big of an issue with me. I fast regularly, and avoid all negative things during fasting hours. I do all the mandatory things. Won't lie and say I've been going over the top, because still, I'm far from what you call religious and recognize that. My relationship? It's been alright. Settling in, and fighting with all my power to make sure it still going on in an amazing pace, yet that's been quite difficult lately due to the horrendous emptiness in my state of mind which I've been suffering from. Basically, I over think everything, and that causes assumptions, which are correct at times, but wrong at others. Let's keep it at that. None the less, judging on today's conversation rate and topics, it's going pretty well. Here's the major issue. I've decided to put my career on a steady hold next year, I have enough distractions already. No more parties. I'll mix at home for fun, but I don't need the stress of parties pressuring me. I have high hopes, and I'm aiming for top grades, and I know how that much of a challenge it could be. I need to ace my IG's, and end up in a tropical country university. I don't need a scholarship, I just need to be accepted into a top college. I've been analyzing my probability of ending up in a first class college, and let's just say, my mind has been quite disappointing. But I'm the type of person who responds positively when in a negative mentality. I'm starting to doze off now, let's just hope I wake up in a less serious mood. With all due respect, Fiasco out.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Day 44: Too Short To Put Her Hands Around My Shoulder
Day 44: Too Short To Put Her Hands Around My Shoulder
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"Malaysia, truly Asia." |
Another good day, kind of feels like a double kill these days. I mean the thing that could top it off is a good party on Saturday, and meeting my wonderful misses just once or if I'm lucky twice or something. And the conclusion of these wonderful days would be a nice flight and a few weeks off in Malaysia. I'll miss a few people a lot here, but I really need some time off, like remember the week or so I had that whole crazy depression phase, kind of still haunts me, so I could use Malaysia. Like just in general, it's been more than half a year since I traveled. And I've been to Malaysia a lot before, but this time it's different. Like for example, I'll meet up with a couple of friends there, one who's from where I am, and another is a good friend of mine who's in college. Not to mention I've even gotten a few people who have even said they can hook me up with a few parties which should be insane. But that's not really what I'm looking for, all I need is an escape from the world here. In all the times I've been there, I've never been too far out of the metropolis areas, but this time I've made my dad promise to just let me go to one of the islands there, relax by the beach, just block out all the negativity I've faced recently. Like now there's arguably no negativity, other than my parents making me face the usual problems with them being over protective, but I've gotten used to that. I mean that week where no one was there for me, or at least no one who could have effected me was there, I realized, at times, you just need a break. This seems like the perfect opportunity. Just me, my over protective family, and a highly developed country with a mentality that suits mine. I could also use a wardrobe update! But a few months ago, I would've expected myself to be looking differently at this trip. I would've been wanting to party hard, go wild, somehow end up with herpes after not even remembering the night before, but no that's not what I want. I'm at a party almost every week, fuck, I am the party. When I show up, I could be the factor which decides whether this is the shittiest party of the year, or the best, and I can tell you that it's the best (damn that was cocky). But no, nothing wild this vacation. So yeah, I'm in a good mood again. Double kill. None the less, I can't deny the reason for my happiness. It's a girl who was too short to put her hands around my shoulder when we once danced and put her hands around me instead. But she's not just any girl, she's the reason behind my smile at the moment. Let me just say, thank you, and I love you. With all due respect, Fiasco out.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Day 43: Electronically Entertained
Day 43: Electronically Entertained
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"For ever minute you are sad, you lose a minute of happiness" |
Today was quite the day. It started off well, and ended up even better. I haven't worked out today. Fuck it, I don't want to get ripped, I'm perfectly secure with my scrawny, non intimidating, and far from attractive figure. Well to be honest, I just need motivation to keep committed to something. The reason I blog at a decent rate, is because I get around up to 70, and hell, on intense blogs up to 100 views a day. Today was just spectacular. Like based on my current days, today was just perfect. So it started off as a simple hang out, with a few guys who I had met at those summer lessons I previously talked about. I didn't have high expectations, but to my surprise, it turned out to be one of the most legit hangouts ever. It was just nice, like I don't know hangout wise. Like they're not the usual crowd I hangout with. I mean it's just a change from the usual. The usual, people around me smoking hookah, insulting each other girlfriends, mothers, family, and the usual immature extremely lame phrases. Today, all these guys, had such positive a positive vibe. There was the immaturity and the curse words flying through the air, but not in the usual style or manner, it was just I don't know, cursing with a positive vibe. I just need friends like these in my life, and I have arguably one friend who has that vibe, no one else I can honestly think of. It was just nice, and something that had just put me in a perfect mood. I'm glad I have met people like those. Add on to that my girlfriend talking to me in the first time for quite while with all the crazy stuff going on, and that just sums up my day. That's not enough for you? Alright then, add on to that, the usual Skype conversations, but with fun topics with all of my close friends who have finally been able to cheer me up. I don't know, I think this is the turning point where shit finally starts going my way. I mean, let's just analyze this based on the aspects of my life. Friends wise, I found a clique which is far from my usual, but also much more positive than the usual. Career wise, it's the usual, no turning point there. Education wise is also the usual. Family wise, nothing really, travelling soon so I guess that's a positive, after the few rough past week or so, I could really use a few weeks away from this place. I also need lots of brightly colored skinny pants, and lots of plain t's and cardigans. Could use some new shoes too (no homo). Relationship wise, being straight forward and hoping I won't get bashed at for this, it wasn't great due to the lack of conversation, but today just brought things back to the amazing old days, so very major turning point there. I mean everything in my life is not going negatively, and some even going positively. So in conclusion, today has been good day. Hell, lot's of people on friendzone got accepted, which put me in an even better mood. I hope this continues, and I hope we all have a great day. And congratulations to my very dear friend Azza on getting accepted into the school she anted to go to. With the utmost respect and appreciation, to all my wonderful readers, my wonderful friends, and last but certainly not least, my wonderful misses, Fiasco Out!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Day 42: April Days Turned Into Mays
Day 42: April Days Turned Into Mays
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"Just a little too young for this love" |
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Day 41: Metallica Tapes
Day 41: Metallica Tapes
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"Little whispers around your head, worry about yourself instead" |
Depressed? Why have so many people put that label on me? I get I am, and for what to people are acceptable reasons but to me a bit pathetic. I don't like that label to be honest. I'm just simply having a down fall in this roller coaster of life. We all have it. Mine for this pathetic reason, other's for bigger issues which are more life impacting. Could be my fault for making this reason a big part of my life. Any who. not here to rant about that. Just saying, not really depressed, I'll patch myself up, always seem to be able to do that. This is post number 41. Most people who have been reading since Day 1, or the very beginning, probably have grown to know me, to the point where some people even judge me based on this. Can't blame them, I've given them a lot of reason to. You can judge me all you want, I'm not a guy who cares about criticism, reputation, or whatever most my friends and people my age worry about. The judgement I got the most was cocky person who's too "westernized". By westernized, I mean they believe I do not recognize that I'm from a country where my actions, mentality, beliefs, choices, and decisions are not accepted. Everyone wants to be accepted, and to most people other than my friends, I'm not. But here's the twist, I'm not like everyone, not saying I'm special, but, I've had a rough childhood and wasn't accepted in elementary school, and pushed around through most of middle school. If you were bullied as a kid, and a loner until the last two years of your high school life, you've pretty much braced yourself for the social nonacceptance of your junior and senior year. So for all these people not accepting me, and expecting me to change to acquire their acceptance, two words for you bitches, fuck you. I've had a period where I'd gotten quite a number of hate messages, but then its stopped recently. Why? Because you bitches can't shake me. I barely give a fuck about anyone's opinion, and I'm not like those other people claiming they don't. I've dealt with people's shit all my life, then had my social life blow up with a crazy career that I love. You can't shake me, and if you want to try, be my guest. I've been pushed around, so you're words don't hurt me, and I've been alone for a couple of years with no one I could even call a friend, so even if my friends turn out to be fake (Highly doubt that, with the likes of Lil Man, that's almost impossible), I've been alone before, and how do I respond? I get better grades which is even more satisfying than having most these fake friends around, I still have a decent career, and I don't need any of your company, I can cope perfectly fine with video games, a mixer, and endless humorous pictures on Facebook. That ladies and gentleman, has helped me reach a conclusion, I can't label myself as depressed, just stressed out of mind. Glad to see I could make myself feel better. With all due respect, Fiasco out.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Day 40: Who Set the Alarm?
Day 40: Who Set the Alarm?
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"Time solves all" |
Finally starting to be a bit more convincing. I would like to state that I'm not depressed as many people have assumed due to my past post. Well I am, but that's nothing hours of musical therapy and distraction methods can't patch up. Any who, I have something I want to talk about (for once). I will rant, but it's nothing I can say works me up, but it does bother to a massive extent. That ladies and gentleman, is interference. I certainly had my share today. Can't give out a lot of details, but I'll give enough for you to be able to relate, and maybe even vaguely picture my situation. So we all have best friends, close friends, or whatever you want to call them. Sometimes, you trust these people to an extent in which they know the smallest details of your life. I have a number, maybe 2 or 3 who qualify for the title of knowing everything about me. One of these specific people lives a very reckless and wild lifestyle. It's one that's great and led to a pretty decent friendship for a year. Ultimately, it led to what we call a brotherhood. So when seeing me in the position I was recently, and the constant stress levels I suffer from, he decided to take matters "into his own hand". I noticed something a bit out of line, and after out putting some pressure on him, well little at all, he spilled the beans. He told me what he did, claiming he was trying to help and put me out of what he called misery. Well, not misery precisely, but a few small words that mean that. It's an inside joke about his vocabulary. (Haha, you're supposed to laugh now). So any who, he was trying to help, cause that's what friends do, help each other. But you know, this was just something which didn't call for interfering and something I'd wanted my own self to handle, even though I probably couldn't. So I might not approve of it, something I wish that person didn't interfere in. Might not have liked it, and wish it didn't happen. But that also made me realize something. Nowadays, its rare to find friends like him. I mean he took his own time, interfered in something which completely didn't effect him nor did he have anything to do with, and well I don't know what the results are yet, whether his actions cause things to spiral up, or turn for the better, he is a true friend. He cares about me. I mean no other friend would take the risk of potentially digging my grave for me deeper than it already is, in an attempt of pulling me out of it. It's like there's a bullet in me, and if he can pull it out, I'm relieved of the pain. He either pulls it out, or waits for the paramedics which take forever to show up. Pulling it out can either destroy me, or relieve me. And what he did, he pulled it out. Why? Cause fuck it, let's be reckless, and hope for the best right? That's honestly the kind of friend I need. The thing is, I was pissed when I found out, out of my mind. I knew he had no clue what he was doing, poor interpretation, and no sense of direction. But I felt he took the risk picturing he was in my shoes. Fuck it, I can't explain, hope you got me. So now I'm stressed out of my mind over what his decisions could result in, but I'm happy, cause even though this arguably the worst way how, I felt I truly had a friend present today. Kind of mixed emotions, let's just pray for the best. With all due respect, Fiasco Out.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Day 39: Solar Midnight
Day 39: Solar Midnight
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"Throw away the darkness, I wanna see you shining" |
Apologies again. It's become a bit ironic how I always start off apologizing about how I haven't updated in quite a while. I have a justification though this time. It's just that I've been attempting to bottle up a lot of emotions. Emotions which if I type out directly now, will get me in quite a lot of trouble. Let's just say things haven't been great, well far from great. Pressure has been piling up on me from all directions. Confusion about so many things. I don't even know what I should make my priorities, what cards I should use, what faces I should show. The only reason people read this is cause apparently people's pain and struggles is entertaining. I mean I have about 5 or so friends who all blog, none who share anywhere as much as I do. Ironically, only 2 which is less than half (do your math), still blog at a decent or daily rate. Why has quite a large proportion quit? Well it's ironically because they don't share enough. I mean when you blog about your personal life, it's either your a celebrity with a massive number of readers you feel somewhat obliged to update about whatever you're famous for, or your like me. Me? I live a stressful life, I mean don't we all? Our problems somewhat differ from person to person. Don't criticize me too much for what I say next. But the problem's of a homeless person trying to earn money who isn't in a life or death situation, could potentially be the same level of stress as that of one of the world's millionaire's. Ladies and gentleman, I don't intend to say that there at the same level of importance, but depending on the perspective, they could be at the same level of pain towards that person. But that really depends on the person too, and that, is where I have major issues. I don't stress about everything, but when I do stress about something, it's disastrous. One of the reasons I have this blog is to deal with that issue. It's been extremely effective. But at some times, and this is certainly one of them, it's pointless. The topic I'm stressing about is controversial at what the reasons are, whether I should accept it, whether I should pretend it's not bothering me while it's killing me and all I think about, whether the arguments presented are logical, and they are without a doubt, but to what extent? I mean I go and talk to my two or three very close friends who know everything about me, and each one gives me a different interpretation from the others including myself. It's killing me, to the point where I've let my imagination distract me. Where I've let overdosed myself in music, fuck, it's to the point where I've been looking forward to things like studying hoping they suck me out of this emotional roller coaster. Believe me, nothing works. I don't even think this is that big of an issue, and it shouldn't be, but then when I realize that, it makes me feel more pathetic and helpless than I already am. So what does all this make me realize? I'm a cocky yet an emotionally unstable, person who cares too much, worries about the little things cause there's probably no big things, who's got to set his priorities straight. Most importantly, with all these mixed emotions, and instability in my life, I am a person who could stop giving a fuck faster than you blink. But then again, what happens when you want to care? When this is probably the only priority you feel you can't set straight, yet you love it, even though it's killing you. I mean I'm not a dude who's not used to these situations, I'm 15, have a career, and so far have been balancing almost perfectly with my education. I work my way around everything, but this, I guess patience, endurance, and distraction will be my only way out. I hate it when that's my only option. "Throw away the darkness, I wanna see you shining." My mind has thrown itself in its own hole, someone throw me a fucking rope and hope I'm not to gassed out to pull my pathetic over thinking self out. Well at least this blog isn't pointless. Got a lot of my chest today. Somewhat indirectly except to a few people. At least I hope so, I honestly don't need any more controversial problems in my life. With all due respect, Fiasco Out.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Day 38: Animal Pharm
Day 38: Animal Pharm
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"A DJ is an artist and the dancefloor is his canvas" |
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Day 37: Hexes
Day 37: Hexes
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"The greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring what anyone else thinks of you." |
I missed another day. Apologies. I'm enrolled in 3 different summer courses, so its hard for me to keep up with all the homework. Not to mention, in all 3, I have a test new week. Gotta love summer. I've been in a good mood recently though. Mostly cause of a person who inflicted and enforced her positive vibe on me. So, thank you for that, even though you'll probably read this without noticing. Let me guess, you're expecting a rant. Not today though! I actually typed up a whole rant, but decided to delete it. I know I wasted time, but being honest, I have nothing better to do. Which ultimately means, I have nothing to talk about. So I guess, my fingers are going to type, and whatever comes out, comes out. So here's something ironic about me. So I talk a lot about my relationship, which unfortunately, is a plural on this blog. Makes me seem like an asshole. Let's just say I've accepted the past, and from now decided to leave it there. So don't expect me, talking about too many past experiences. But here's the thing, I talk a lot about them, and my personal life to be honest. I don't have that much personal information though, I tend to avoid drama, and I don't keep much secrets, nor do I have many. I mean I have a somewhat successful blog based on my life, you don't keep that much secrets when you blog. I don't really know how to say this. I mean I wouldn't mind sitting down with someone I barely know and talk about my relationship for example, but then when I get asked to say her name for example, which happens a lot on public sites such as that ask one, I tend to avoid saying it. Don't rush to conclusions, its not that I'm ashamed of her anything, I'd yell her name out to the world if I could. But that's my point, the world I'm in, at least this society, I can't feel comfortable saying it. Its sort of a paranoia. Why? There's many people that would be ready to put me, to put us through hell for just being together. I'm not referring to family members or people not accepting of the whole situation. I mean other people, like our age, who don't know about it. There's so much envy, so much hate pointed in no direction these days. People who just envy you for being happy. I can't lie and say "they can't effect us". These people would get out of there way, just to try and knock couples, singles, people in general off course. I mean personally, I don't care about much, except one person for example. So they come, bring up every sin that person has ever done, and claim they're friends. I'm not making much sense here, but you get my point. I can't explain any situation clearly. My point is, be careful about how public your life is, especially things you care about. I'm one of the very few people who barely care about anything, and don't care about judgement and criticism. But sometimes, people try using those very few things you care about against you. Sadly, most of them pretend they're your friends. Don't give them much to talk about! I'm keeping it short today, since I've been in a good mood. Take care everyone! Sorry for not making much sense, but I'm sure you all comprehended the basic message I'm trying to show. With all due respect, Fiasco Out!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Day 36: The Wolfpack
Day 36: The Wolfpack
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"Banish the fear of death from a man's heart and they would not live a day" |
Friday, June 7, 2013
Day 35: Suga Suga
Day 35: Suga Suga
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"Sugar, how you get so fly?" |
The amount of assumptions I got yesterday, unimaginable. You mean so and so about this. Firstly, I never directly pick on someone through this blog, nor would I ever talk about someone directly on this blog. Sometimes I'm pissed and could rant about someone, and make it pretty obvious, but there wasn't a specific person on my mind when I was describing the hypocrites of this country. So please, save yourself and your brain the work of thinking if I meant someone by something I said, but I'm sure you could think of a lot of people when I described the features of our local hypocrites. Not to mention, if you thought I meant someone by one of my statements, then you probably think they're a hypocrite. Speaking about yesterday's post, its hilarious how something similar went down today. No need to go into any details though. So basically, you know those childhood songs, you listened to when you were like 10 and you've just heard it and its even 5 years old or something? You did the usual thing and killed the song by constantly playing it for a week or two and completely forgot about it. So yeah, its forgot, and lost in your old Ipod which is dusted up and stopped working a few years ago, not to mention its screen is cracked and you've probably destroyed it. Okay enough details, let's get to the point. Years later, you've met someone. Who's somehow affected you to the point, where your mind (or heart, don't want to seem too cheesy) goes back years back, and suddenly the beat, the lyrics, the melody, the vocals, everything about it, seems to be perfect. That ladies and gentleman, is the effect of suddenly, and quickly falling for someone. Unlike every girl I've ever been with or had feelings for, this isn't a one night stand attempt gone wrong. From the very beginning, you knew it was real, that this is something you want to last. I'm very big on music, its almost a lifestyle for me, one that sculpted me and made me who I am at the moment. I mean even emotional things for me need music. Can you slow dance without music? Have you ever felt the difference when you've kissed someone with nothing playing, and when there's just a simple and calm piano or violin playing the background? I mean there's a million things I can state, these are just a couple. So basically, I've been constantly raping the replay button for one specific song. The reason is, I jokingly told a very special someone that this specific song reminded me of her, and when that happened, there was no us. It was just me and her, so we really weren't an item, yet, and nor did I think we were going to be at that point to be honest. And for some reason, I was the DJ at a party she was at, and I decided to slow things down, and picked that song out. I asked her to dance, held her in my arms, and we moved slowly to the song, I even remember how she couldn't have her hands on my shoulder cause I was too tall. She wrapped them around me, I had mine around hers, and the chemistry was just unbelievable. There's so much more situation me and her had, wait let me correct the me and her, "we", "us". That felt really good to say. So my point is, music and emotions, precisely the non hormonal teenage kind of love that I'm in at the moment, the real kind, can pretty much cause a feeling and sensation so strong you feel like you've been in heaven when both combine. I've had songs with a lot people, some who were at times more than friends, but non the I can say I listen to on a daily basis like I do with this song. None that I can write a full blog on for sure! Any who, I don't want to keep going about it forever, oh, and for me, the specific song I'm talking about at the moment is: "Baby Bash ft. Frankie J - Suga Suga." This is probably one of the first posts I've written while smiling the whole time! "Got me lifted, shifted higher than the ceilin', and oohwee it's the ultimate feelin', you got me lifted, feeling so gifted, Sugar, how you get so fly?: With all due respect, Fiasco Out.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Day 34: 21 & Over
Day 34: 21 & Over
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A hypocrite is a person who- but isn't? |
Today wasn't the best of days. So basically, let's just say its been sort of a let down. It's a bit annoying when someone is only concerned about himself, and its not like I'd usually give a fuck, but I will when there selfishness leads to me losing something that could potentially matter to me, for example, a party. Let's just say its a bit annoying. Okay, let's just keep it that, I'm a bad person to constantly fuck over. I know this is kind of direct, but fuck it, let's just say I'm pissed as fuck at the moment, and I have a reason to, at least I think so. Any who, I've got another topic to rant about, which I was planning to rant about since last night. The hypocrites of this amazing nation. Okay, so basically, since I know a lot of people from outside the country read this. I live in an Islamic nation. No parties after 11, you can't go out dressed to badly (for girls I mean), no clubs, alcohol, you name it. That's government wise. Family wise, most people my age can't chill with girls openly and even if they can, it has massive limits, dating is a massive sin to most families and they'll shoot your ass if they find you with there daughter, let's see, you can't dress to badly, no cursing openly, I don't know, not much I can think about, those are what stand out. Before I start bashing at a majority of the people, this isn't direct to anyone, but if the shoe fits, lace that bitch up! So let me start with the guys. They're out fucking girls every night (maybe not really, but you get my point). But if someone says hi to there sister, they'll fucking hunt you down and attempt killing you. I don't have a sister, so I might not know what it feels like, but hey, I don't, so I can't fit in this category! (Massive bad guy laugh). If you've just been with a chick, and hunted a guy down for doing to the same to whoever matters you, you my friend, are a fucking hypocrite! Let's see, I've also dealt with lots of guys who'll ditch his crew for just being in the presence of females, and to guys like that, you might not be a hypocrite, but you're umm, what's the right it! A bitch, just like the bitches you're with! Let's start pointing out the amazing hypocrite actions of some girls in this country. Oh God, this actually the group the makes me laugh the most, and there's a lot of chicks who fit in this category. So basically, you're religious cause you wear hijab and cover your hair up. Respect to all the ladies that do that. But I don't think there's a point when that's your hair is the only thing guys isn't seeing, am I right? Let's just dumb it down a bit, know this is delicate topic, but the girls who cover up there hair but there ass is all over the place. I mean excuse miss, the whole place is checking out your ass in those tight ass neon yellow or bright red pants your wearing. Just saying yo. I mean I just wanted to focus on those who are religiously and morally hypocritical. There's so much more categories, but are all over the world, the bitches, fake friends, you name it. But these are kind of a bit more local, in my country, and countries similar to mine. I know a few of you laced that shoe up and found yourself somewhere there, and you're making excuses and trying to justify yourself mentally and hate me now cause you think this is about you. Bashing was just an expression, this is more of me trying to shoot a point across. You're not hated for being that, sometimes, wrongfully respected for it. But please acknowledge you're a hypocrite, and anyone with a mentality like mine, has no respect for you at all! Any who, about the title, its a fucking crazy movie, I'd suggest checking it out if your into shit like The Hangover and Project X. Not much to talk about! With all due respect, Fiasco out.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Day 33: Take Care of the Paperwork
Day 33: Take Care of the Paperwork
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"A nation and its people, third world, and based on hypocrisy" |
Told you I was back. Like for real this time. To be honest, apart from a few motivations, I have to admit the fact that I have nothing better do also had a major role to play. Which is also bad news, because if I have nothing to do, that means nothing is happening in my life, which in conclusion means I barely have anything to talk about. I've gotten sick of telling stories from my very "bright: past. I've kind of accepted it, and decided to just leave it there. So that leads to probably to a few topics I can talk about: my DJ career, how amazing my misses is, or my amazing plans for future which I doubt can true. I know anyone barely comments, but it would help a lot if you could tell me which one from this topics which I know you don't care about, is most appealing to you. It's worth a try asking, since I asked for prayers to get a number last time, and I got that. It's a joke by the way, since I know many third world faggots probably took that wrong when reading. Any who, upcoming plans, I have a party on Thursday. The crowd seems to a bit older than I am, and I don't like that, since I really can't interact much with them, and most of the time, people think they're too cool and no one dances and just chill, which leads to boredom since at that point I'm nothing more than a jukebox. Change of subjects, I have something quite the number of people can relate to. You know when you really miss someone, like its someone who you're like addicted to, whether its your current soul mate, family member, or even a close friend. Well there's probably two people who stand out for me at the moment. I don't want to go into details, since I don't like appearing as someone who is too emotional (Cause I'm not, at least that's what I tell myself). Well let's just one, really matters to me, more than the others. I'm not a person who likes distance. It kills me. Especially in situations like this, cause you tell the person you miss them, and would kill to be with them, and you're thinking about them every second, and hell, its to the point where every night you're laying down wondering what they're up to, just laying there, and thinking about one person for hours, sleepless until the sun is rising and your body fails and goes into hibernation mode by itself. You tell them that after not talking to them for what seems like forever to you, but then its also unbelievable, cause its rare that someone cares about someone this much. So you believe that they think they're just words, but that's really what they're going to. Any who, to anyone who can relate, you know its quite, you know, can't really find the word to describe that feeling. Cause at the time, its somewhat a mixed emotion of joy and sorrow since your words seem unbelievable. Okay, becoming a bit too emotional and I'm starting to appear like I'm a fag. On the other hand, I just really miss a good friend of mine, hell, probably my closest friend, who you know by Lil Man. We used to chill every day before he left, and my life has become really plain since he left, so knock yourself out while I remain in this hell hole for the next month. Oh, and I've also been referred to as a "local" blogger. Just wanted to say, I hate the local word, cause that shows while we're from the same place, how we're separated from the rest of the world. So fuck you to this country I'm from. I love you, but fuck your way of thinking, based on a Western style of living with a hypocritical belief in religion. Bringing religion, mixing it with tradition, and creating your own belief and claiming you're being religious. At least I know who to pick on my next post. With all due respect, Fiasco out.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Day 32: Champagne is Overrated
Day 32: Champagne is Overrated
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"I want you to be happy, even if I'm not" |
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