Day 50: Bolly Will Take Medusa!
Day 50: Bolly Will Take Medusa!
Day 50! It's finally here! I'd just like to propose a toast at the moment. Firstly, I'd like to thank Acer for producing the laptop through which I type, Zain for providing the internet which I use, and lastly my readers. I'm just attempting to be funny. It's Day 50, and I honestly don't expect more than 50 views on my page, but astonishingly, you all have me just a tad away from 4,000 which we'll hit in a day or two. So thank you all. I may not know you, but I feel like if you're reading this, we're family. And we've grown together through this journey, and soon enough, we'll be on Day 100! I haven't posted in a while. I'm an IG candidate with my whole life ahead of me, so it's a bit tough finding time to post. I will try my best though, at times I'll post almost daily, and at other times, I barely will, so please bare with me. Let's see? Damn I have a lot to talk about. Okay, so this is awkward considering up to Day 40 or so I was bragging about how awesome my relationship is. Punch line is, I'm single (willing to mingle for all the lovely ladies reading this). Why, who, what, when, where, and how? I'm just as clueless as you are about it! It's funny though. I promise you I am grinning like crazy while I type this up at the irony of the situation. I mean I want to provide a story, but I don't even know what the story is. I'm impressed by the way I'm dealing with it all though. I mean isn't life priceless. I've always been criticized for sharing too much of my personal life. But I mean no one can really use it against me considering I don't care much about my social life. Whether it shoots through the roof, or it's the worst in the school's, I couldn't care less. I guess I just let people know too much about me. But I think that's what makes me special. I don't hide much, I mean everyone has their secrets, and I'm no different. I share a lot, but you'd be surprised the things no one knows. Let's just keep it at that. I mean if I didn't share a bit too much I wouldn't have a decently successful blog. It's been forever since I posted. There really hasn't been much to talk about. There was never was, I just basically over do everything I say and make it seem interesting and something you can relate to. Something interesting that happened is we had to write a two page modern version of a fairy tale for English. I chose to write a modernized version of Cinderella. Basic summary of the summary is she's a cashier at fast food restaurant. She's a foster girl, but instead of giving her an evil step mother, I just made her a girl out of the foster system which she hates. The two evil step sisters are two models who share her apartment and pay a much larger share of the rent, therefore they pick on her and she stays quite. One day the to bitches go to a party, of the rich teen gentleman figure of the city and she's not invited. Fairy God Mother pops in, does her usual speech, convinces her to go the party. The rich gentleman guy ends up with her all night, she tells him her story, says she has to leave by midnight. He holds her, her dress and make up disappears and he kisses her! (Woo!) Okay, so I didn't want to share my story to impress you. The thing about it, it was written in the first person perspective from Cinderella's view. I had to sound, think, and act like a girl. So I chose my blogging tone, which being honest does sound like a girl (Not something I'm proud of). So I ended up scoring the highest in my class on that. Comforting ain't it? Only time I achieve something is when I'm sounding like a girl. And on that bombshell it's time to end today's post. With all due respect, Fiasco Out.
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