Day 52: Bagpipes From Baghdad
Day 52: Bagpipes From Baghdad
I type this blog while listening to some Santana, meaning I'm in somewhat of a positive mood. There's so much I want to talk about today. I was reading the post of one of my friends, and she was on point with something I could highly relate to. I'm a prefect. Same kind as the one's in Harry Potter or whatever, if you go to the typical third world school, Google what it is, I'm not going to explain what a prefect is. I mean she's head girl which is a much larger responsibility. But even though, I still have to a do a few things every now and then that a typical student wouldn't do. Some of these things require respect from other students. That's the problem, I barely get any. What am I going to do? Snitch? Throw a punch? Obviously not. There's no solution. It's overrated. The only perk is that at times, well actually rarely, I get to show up 5 minutes late or something. Other than that, whenever I do something wrong or mess around (which is a lot), I get this whole lecture from teachers over how I'm a prefect and should set an example. Set an example? Do you not know this school? All these children are a bunch of immature, stuck up brats. I mean I'm included at times, but they just take it to a whole new level. I sincerely wish anyone who has no sense of respect and wants to appear cool nothing but suffering. You truly don't deserve anything you were blessed with. Ignorant cunts. In addition, there's this kid who is like 5 years younger than me thinking he can push me around. It's funny because the only reason I stay quiet is that I know it's not the kid. I mean he's a kid, but he knows I at any given moment can just slap him. What I've noticed is that that's exactly what they want me to do. They, not him. Someone wants me to lose my nerve, do that, and then use that as an excuse to come after me. Might as well give them what they want. This will probably in some sort of physical confrontation, which I always tried to avoid. But it's been what, 5 years since I got in some decent fight. Plus I was daredevil child, short back then, but I was always able to whoop ass pretty badly. Not cause I was strong, but I guess it was just instinctive. I hit quick, far from hard since I'm not well built, but did damage and could majorly take some. Let's hope I still got that. I hate when I'm forced into things like this, but fuck it, I won't be pushed around by some hypocrite cunts. I just hate how the society I live in is built on fear, not respect. Ironically, with all due respect, and not fear, Fiasco Out.
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